Utensil materials – plastic, metal or wooden


I'm just starting to cook for myself in college, and I'm curious what the best material of cooking tools are for pasta in a metal pan and stir fry in a non-stick wok. To make this question more general, when should you use plastic, metal or wooden cooking tools?

Are there reasons not to use a certain type sometimes? For example, is it unsafe to use wooden tools with raw meat in stir fry?

Best Answer

Advantages: durable, no risk of absorbing flavours
Disadvantages: may scratch certain cookware

Advantages: doesn't scratch, looks nice
Disadvantages: can wear down over time, can sometimes absorb flavours

Doesn't find a place in my kitchen other than a rubber spatula for baking.

You didn't mention this, but I like it, because it works like rubber but can withstand high temps (brushes, spatulas)

I think the answer really depends on what you cook. A good basic set might consist of a wooden spoon, a spatula that can handle heat, a good ladle, and maybe a set of tongs or chopsticks. You'll quickly learn what you wish you had to make it a little easier.