Vegetables – crispy Dilly beans


I tried a new variety of green beans this year due to being powdery mildew resistant.
I grew (Provider) beans. They are beautiful long, straight green beans. I made a batch of Dilly Beans, using my regular recipe and found them to be softer than I would have prefered and not a crisp as other beans I have use before. Has anyone else tried this variety of bean in canning and had this problem or know of a solution?

Best Answer

It is only a guess; but when I get close to using my vegetables, I crisp them up with a fresh cut and place them in warm water about 30 minutes prior to using them. Just as I would do to fresh cut flowers. When I grew green beans about 3 years ago, it worked like a charm and I semi-pickled them with no problems.

On the other hand, it has been a very hot summer in this neck of the woods as well as dry. Do you think that this could have contributed?

Here; someone asked the question: "What did I do wrong if my pickles aren't crisp or crunchy?" for green bean pickles.

Very interesting Joe. In 2009, Ball took Pickle Crisp off of the market and due to the high demand; it was remarketed and improved.