Vegetables – How much of the clove should I use when using big garlic heads


I recently bought some of those big garlic heads (unlike the small, pretty ones you have in the supermarket). It looks like this:
enter image description here

My problem is that when I take out the cloves and try to cut them, they break apart like a small onion. Here is a pic enter image description here

As you can tell, there is a "whole" clove buried under the smaller outer layers. My question is – do you just take out the whole, smaller clove and use it, or do you use the outer layers as well? Do the outer layers have a different flavor? Are they bitter?

Best Answer

I think that might be elephant garlic, which isn't really garlic at all. It's in the same family, but is actually a kind of leek so it has a flavor that's a cross between garlic and onion, but milder than garlic. Because it's not very strong you'll probably want to add the whole thing. Just chop it and use it as normal.