Vegetables – Storing vegetarian sausages


I often eat Linda McCartney sausages: Linda Mccartney 6 Vegetarian Sausages 300G …but, as I don't own a freezer, I have to store them in the fridge.

As the sausages come frozen, I imagine that means I'm supposed to keep them in the freezer. But I often cook them when I buy them, and then eat over the course of about 4 days while keeping them in the fridge.

I currently have an unopened pack in the fridge that has been there for about 4 days… would these be safe to cook and eat? and if so, how long could I actually leave them for (cooked or uncooked) and still be safe?

Best Answer

You could/should directly ask the sausage maker, if you do, report back and edit your question (or answer, I'm not certain which is proper).