What are differences between traditional whisked whipped cream and whipping syphon


Is there any perceived taste or texture difference between traditional whisked whipped cream and whipping syphon. Assuming, for comparison, identical mix of cream and a little sugar.
Also, if say lemon juice, liqueur, or other flavourings are included does the N2O react with those in any way?

[edited for typo]

Best Answer

When you whip cream with a wisk, you can easily control the texture/consistency on a fairly fine scale, from liquid to butter. With a whipper you have, essentially, one output, similar to the consistency of whipped cream that you can purchase in a can, ready to dispense. Taste variation is influenced by other variables (raw product, flavorings). N2O does not interact with other flavorings, but they can easily be added to a whipper. The only concern is anything solid that might get caught in the seal of the whipper. Something as small as ground pepper could cause a problem here.