What variety of squash produces “flor de calabaza”


In Mexico, flor de calabaza is sometimes served on quesadillas, in soups, or in other dishes. The literal translation of flor de calabaza is "flower of pumpkin/zucchini/squash". As calabaza is a rather broad term in Spanish, I don't really know specifically what kind of flower(s) are used for this.

Quesadilla de flor de calabaza

I'm interested in cooking with some of this myself, and am happy to grow the squash plants in my yard, but which type of squash plants shall I grow? Or are various varieties of squash equally suitable for the harvesting of their flowers?

Best Answer

They're commonly called squash blossoms in English - as you might guess, this is because it doesn't matter too much what kind of squash they're from. They'll most commonly be from smaller summer squash plants (e.g. zucchini) though, since they produce many small squash instead of a few large squash (like pumpkins), so you can get more blossoms for your trouble.