Tomatoes Italian Cuisine Shopping – What Variety of Tomato Is Typically Used in Italian Canned Peeled Tomatoes


I'm experimenting with different brands of canned tomatoes and I just bought some Italian peeled tomatoes, the brand it Petti. Here is a image of the can.

I was looking into what variety of tomato was used in it, but I couldn't find this info anywhere on the can… nor is it explicitly stated on the website for this particular product.

Unless it's otherwise stated (such as san marzano), what variety should I assume is used in Italian canned tomatoes? I'm leaning towards assuming they are Roma. Or is this unusual that the variety of tomato is not listed on the can?

Note: I'm living in Europe, in case that is relevant for EU foodlaws.

Best Answer

Based on what they say on their web page they use both early and late varieties. The type of tomato therefore probably changes throughout the canning season. Since they source their produce locally (they are based in Livorno) I would guess that two of the varieties are Pisanello and Perino (the last variety is similar to Roma).

Here's an overview of the most cultivated varieties in Tuscany (in Italian).