What’s the approximate dry to cooked weight conversion ratio for beans


Cooked in water, they of course absorb some of it. Looking for weight, not volume conversion. If it varies by type, this is for Red Kidney Beans, but I'm guessing one general number can be good enough for most of them.

Cooking without soaking in a pressure cooker.

Best Answer

I got very curious... My test included 4 sets...

Macro Organic Red Kidney Beans from Woolworths Australia selected. All beans were from the same bag... Water was at 18 C (tap/room temperature), 12 beans selected based on similar total weight.

  1. Water only... 190% weight.
  2. Water and Salt... 210% weight
  3. Water and Bicarbonate of soda 212% weight
  4. Control -- No water just air... 1gram change... We can call this calibration error.

As expected... the addition of salt or bicarbonate of soda increases the efficiency of absorption of water. Your experience will vary based on brand and freshness of the product.

PS My son and I had great fun measuring, pouring and splashing each other with water ... Part 2 is to see if any of these beans will grow... Does anyone have an opinion on whether "organic" beans should sprout and grow?