White cloudy areas on bottom of new stainless steel skillet


I just bought my first few pot and pans "Calaphon" stainless steel trip-ply

I used my new 10" skillet tonight, and cooked pork chops. I heated the pan first, added olive oil, let it heat, then added chops. After I was done, cleaned it immediately under water, and noticed white cloud looking areas on the bottom of the skillet. They won’t wash or rub off

Do I need to return these? I did buy them for the look as well.

Best Answer

Sprinkle the 'cleaned' dry pan with coarse salt - add any kind of inexpensive vinegar, just enough to wet the salt to a wet paste, scrub the pan with this paste with a paper towel for 30 seconds or so, using the salt as a mild "abrasive", while the vinegar dissolves the cloudiness. Rinse with water and dry. Voilá.

This is simpler and cheaper than using any kind of kitchen cleanser, and no toxic residue.