Why is the pizza coming out “soggy”


I am an owner of a small pizzeria. Im noticing my pizzas are coming out "soggy".. The crust and bottom of the pizza is cooking good, nice golden brown. But there seems to be an excess of water on the pizza sometimes. The more toppings the worse it is. I use canned mushrooms but I drain them and squeeze them out, but it happens on pizzas that have no mushrooms as well. I use a middleby marshall oven set at 475 degrees cook time 9 minutes.

Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

First of all, like Max said you should definitely be cooking your pizzas at a higher temperature. In any case, this doesn't sound like an oven problem. If the more toppings you put then the more watery your pizzas get, it would only makes sense that your toppings are releasing water. Even if you strain canned mushrooms they will still retain a lot of water. Some cheeses have a lot of water in them, but this mostly happens with fresh mozzarellas. In general I'd say experiment by cooking pizzas with only one topping to see which are releasing water, then make the necessary adjustments.