Electrical Grounding – 200A Meter Socket Ground/Bonding Strap Guide


I'm replacing a meter socket (upgrading to 200A) operating under NEC2017, and saw something I didn't see on the old socket.

Current setup – a 200A capable main panel, with 4ga stranded wire coming out of the panel to an 8ft ground rod, which is connected to another 8ft ground rod with a 4ga solid copper wire 8ft away, as well as a 4ga (green) wire going from the panel to the water pipe.

The picture below is of the new meter socket (Milbank U4801-Xl-5T9).
I am not sure how to interpret the red label saying "When service not grounded, remove bonding strap and re-install screw"
Meter Socket

Red Label

I am not sure if this in reference to the service from the pole, or my service panel. I have seen folks throw a grounding wire into the meter socket directly (pic below from a This Old House video on upgrading to 200A service), but my ground is on the main panel.
My current inclination is to leave the bonding strap in place (but remove the label as it seems to be partially insulating the screw from the strap), as my service panel is grounded. Is this the right approach?

Many thanks in advance.

This old house

Best Answer

Leave it there

Since meter sockets sit upstream of the service disconnecting means, and thus the system neutral-ground bond, they're required to be bonded to the neutral. So, don't mess with that jumper -- futzing with it is only needed in some weird applications (such as revenue production metering in some solar systems).