220 outlet burnt caused other outlets to go out breaker didn’t trip


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A outlet in LR was plugged in but not in use burnt up as seen in pictures. Many other outlets and porch light went out also. The breaker didn't trip. By the looks of it I think it is copper. I cleaned out and wrapped the two corroded non black but burnt wires with electrical tape and replaced with a new outlet. Everything turned back on. I want to know if I should have it checked by an electrician to be safe and make sure the wire didn't burn further up in the cloth stuff that it is coming out of. I didn't pull it out or cut any but one small burnt piece off.

Best Answer

You wrapped those burnt wires in electrical tape and turned it back on? Please turn off that breaker and get an electrician in. And check that your smoke detectors have working batteries. At the very least all the wire in that box probably needs replacing.

The outlet likely caught fire from a loose connection. The other outlets affected are probably downstream from this one - power for them flows through that outlet, which is why it has 2 sets of wires. It is possible for this to happen without tripping the breaker. The loose connection acts more like a heating element, using lots of power but not enough to trip the breaker. An AFCI breaker might have tripped, but even then might not.

The wiring needs to be checked properly and any damaged sections replaced.