A/C freezing damaged air handler blower


While I was moving, I left my front door open for at least two hours. As a result, my coils froze up outside and inside the return and the inside handler. The vents were not putting out any air and it was getting warm in the house; that's when I knew something was wrong. I immediately turned everything off.

It took 2 1/2 days to totally defrost then I turned my unit back on. Everything is running fine now although my filter was a little dirty.

My a/c man thinks I need a new blower that cost $750. If it's working again why would I need a new one?

Best Answer

Yeah, I am also agree with Ed Beal. how can your AC technician suggest you a new blower! a regular servicing of your unit may be the good solution for you, just clean your ac properly and you will be experience better cooling...