A/C tune-up: “Condenser fan motor drawing high amperage”


A local A/C company was offering a deal on a home heating/cooling "check-up". I've never worked with this particular company before, and I've had some bad experiences in the past (different home, different state) with stuff like this. I wasn't there when the guy did his inspection, and the result was:

Condenser fan motor drawing high amperage. Advise to replace soon.

$350 – 10% = $315.

We have other rental properties in the area, and I'd like to establish whether these folks are reputable so that I can continue to do business with them in the future.

Can anyone with A/C or HVAC experience suggest a way that I can confirm that this isn't just a manufactured or exaggerated problem, and that the cost is reasonable? I'm not against calling another tech from a different company out to see if s/he returns the same diagnosis…

Best Answer

If a motor is drawing a very high amperage it is not unreasonable to advise a repair. If the motor cannot be cleaned, or it has been cleaned and still drawing high it may show an imminent failure. So you could replace the motor while they are at the home, usually with no additional labor, or maybe have an emergency call in the future where you will now be charged labor in addition to the motor. It is worth checking around with other customers of theirs to see if they are trustworthy or not. Hard to tell off one diagnosis.