A good uPVC window or wooden double glazed replacement window solution


I am looking at replacing old sash windows with uPVC windows. Is this a good idea for a four-bedroom house?

Some say sash windows have advantages, but most say go with uPVC. Perhaps a wooden double glazed replacement is the answer. Anyhow, I hope someone can shed light.

Thanks, being in Leicester means I dont see that much inspiring me outside of the grove where I live. anyway, I found these ones for the benefit of others in the area. Having spoken to a rep, and getting thumbs up from a friend, think I will remove the sashes myself, and then get these guys to do the uPVC. Hope I can get it done by summer.


Best Answer

Windows are very religious and debate inspiring. Identifying top goals will help in selection and maximizing ROI.

FWIW: uPVC and vinyl are synonyms in North America.

Energy Efficiency

  • Maximizing u-factor depends on the heating/cooling zone you are in. .35 might be good for a northern climate, while overkill for a southern one
  • SHGC (Solar Heat Gain Coefficient) is more important in a southern area.
  • Air Leakage
  • Condensation reisitance


  • Durablity factors are hard to estimate accurately, but price is usually some indication of quality
  • Fit and finish Construction materials used have an effect on appearance as well as durability. Maintenance requirements and paint-ability are factors
  • Resale issues