AC is dead, should we open the windows to release the heat and humidity


Live in Central Texas where the temp is in the upper 90's, low 100's. My AC went so I had to put a single room AC unit for my Master bedroom and bath. Square footage for coverage is 600 sq. feet. Well, it's humid in the rest of the house and my Mother keeps reminding me not to open the windows because it will develop mold. Well, I have a dehumidifier floating from living room to kitchen. Is it safe to open the windows at night to release the heat in the house?

Best Answer

I have no idea about the climate in Texas. Is it tropic/ rainforest-like? I live in Germany and we have such temperature days in summer, too. We do not have an air condition at all (not because of money, its not typical). Mode of operation is: during the day, lower the blind, to keep the sun out. At night, open windows (as soon as felt temperature outside gets lower than it is inside). We don’t have any problems with mold by this. If we have get mold, then it is typically in winter because walls are cool and humid air condenses, especially behind furniture positioned on walls to the outside.