Advice on hanging gymnastic rings in garage rafters


I have ordered this metal bracket for hanging gymnastic rings in my garage to add to my home gym ( ). My garage does not have a second story above it, only the roof.

On it's own, the bracket will span 2 of my rafters and it appears many mount it directly to the rafters or joists without a stringer. However I'm likely going to mount a 2×4 or 2×6 stringer across 4 different rafters (it's a drywalled ceiling), to double down since I'll be hanging on these as will my kids. For what it's worth, I weigh about 170lbs.

I would like a gut check and any feedback on the following approach:

  • Cut a 2x to span 4 of the rafters
  • Use stud finder to mark off the rafters
  • Mark and predrill for lag screws
  • Mount the 2x to the outermost rafters with 6'' 3/8 stainless steel
    lags (advice on smaller or shorter?)
  • Mount the ring hanger bracket inthe center of the 2x with the same
    6'' 3/8 stainless steel lags, this time going through the bracket,
    the 2x, and into the rafter
  • Victory?

I would appreciate any feedback or help in making sure I get a very strong and secure mount for this ring hanger. I received some feedback on Reddit that this may significantly weaken the rafters that got me concerned?


Best Answer

Thanks for the contribution from others in answers and comments. At the suggestion of @DMoore, I'm going to answer my own question.

After the feedback here and reading more, I've made the decision to not try to tackle this project and will be searching for other means to hang rings (a high wall mounted pull up bar or a tall squat rack) since I'm not comfortable enough in either my knowledge or skills and don't want to unnecessarily or dangerously weaken my rafters.

Thanks again for everyone's feedback and help.