Andersen casement windows show condensation and ice on the inside of the glass


Our home in IL is 25 years old and during the last 2 – 3 winters we have experienced condensation and thick ice on the inside of most of the 30 windows we have in the home. We know several windows need to be replaced because they are foggy and streaky all year round.
Many contractors want to sell us brand new windows (price range: $25,000 to $70,000).
While we are contemplating our options (excluding new windows) on how to solve this problem we were wondering if anyone on this site has any idea: a) how to fix this problem or b) a contractor genre' that we could turn to for information and pricing?

Best Answer

Call Andersen windows and ask for a price to replace your windows. Right now around Pittsburgh, Pa. they are giving a $300.00 discount for each replacement window. The sale ends November 4th. You may even be able to purchase replacement glass or replacement glass/sash that you can replace yourself if you are so inclined. Before you replace the glass and/or sash , check the sealing gaskets to make sure they are still OK. If you stay with Andersen windows they may have other options. I would call them, or "google" them for a phone number.