Any Way To Run A New 3“ Pipe INSIDE An Existing 6” Pipe & Have The 3″ Pipe In A Fixed Position Inside


Is there any way to run a brand new 3" water line pipe through the inside of an existing 6" water line pipe. I want to make sure that the 3" pipe is not rattling around inside the 6" pipe. Any way to keep it in a fixed position as well?

Best Answer

There are products called "pipe casing spacers" which can be used for such a purpose. I'm not meaning to endorse this particular brand but this is an example of such a device:

Pipe Casing Spacer

A drawback, however, is that the original line will be significantly blocked by the combination of the new pipe plus the spacers, so if you need to maintain flow in it, what you get will be quite a bit less than what you currently have.