Are 120V Feed Hot Wires in a panel/sub-panel Interchangeable


I am feeding a sub-panel using four separate conductors (2 hots, neutral and ground) from the main panel. Intuition tells me that there is no difference between the two hot wires. As in either of these two cables can go in any of the two hot lugs on the sub-panel. Just wanted to verify that that's indeed the case.

Best Answer

Correct. There is no functional difference between the hots. They can even be the same color. Typical colors are:

  • Hots - Black and black or black and red
  • Neutral - White
  • Ground - Green

Above 4 AWG, you can use black for everything with the neutral and ground marked white and green on each end. With any smaller size, neutral must be white or gray and ground must be green. Hot (with certain exceptions in cables) must be any color except white, gray or green.