Are 38mmx72mm roof trusses sufficient for a 6m span


My roof truss timbers are 38mm x 72mm on 600mm centres with a 6m span. What's that in good old inches?

It seems a little skimpy to me; is this normal for a modern house? I am trying to do a rough dead load calculation. All the information I can find is for 4"x2" lumber. Mine are more like 1 3/4" x 3".

I think I read that 4"x2"s are actually smaller due to shrinkage so I have even less clue as to what my size is!

Best Answer

Using Google you can do conversions. Type:

38mm in inches

into Google and it will give you the conversion as the first result.

Your sizes come out at

1.5" x 2.8" with just under 2' centres with a 20' span

Now, the reason these are smaller than the quoted sizes is because wood is not measured in the finished size but in the original size. So a piece of wood that's quoted at 4" x 2" will actually be something like 3.5" x 1.5". This isn't a problem because everybody* knows this.

The calculations should take this into account.

* for some value of "everybody".