Are bubbles in new exterior paint normal


Not happy with the new exterior paint job – it bubbled immediately, and the initial recommendation from the contractor was "don't pop them". We gave it time to settle, but the issue still hasn't been resolved. I am so disappointed in the appearance. I asked the owner if this:

  1. Was satisfactory to him as a professional
  2. Met current industry standards
  3. Was he prepared to do nothing to remedy the situation?

It appears the answer was 'yes' to all. Is it reasonable that I ask again for this to be re-done in the spring when it is warm and dry? Please advise.

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Best Answer

Those are very good questions you asked the contractor.

The result of the paint job is unacceptable. Besides being unsightly, the paint job will not have the longevity you want or expect, as the bubbles will pop or split on their own, and form a nice little place to hold water against your siding. The bubbling is most likely due to painting on a damp surface.

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