Are chainsaw helmets meant to protect you from the saw, or just falling debris


I'm trying to get the correct protective equipment for a chainsaw. I see helmets that look like this

chain saw helmet

being sold for chainsaw use, but it's not clear if they are meant to protect your face from the running saw in the event of kickback, or if they are just to stop woodchucks from getting in your face and protection from falling branches.

Are these meant to stop the saw from injuring your face/head in the same way that chaps protect the legs?

Best Answer

The helmet is designed to protect you from falling objects. It is also the mounting point for the face shield and ear protection. The helmet will also provide limited protection from the saw in the event the saw were to kick-back or the operator lost control and the chain were to impact the operators' head. It will not provide protection from a running saw being held against the helmet. This differs from safety chaps which are designed to actually stop a saw in the event of contact with the chaps.

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