Are cheap electric brad nail guns worth it for fixing mouldings


I am thinking of creating some doors out of MDF that will have moldings fixed to their fronts, these will be glued on. I could try to clamp them somehow until the glue sets, but that sounds like a pain.

Another option is to fix them with small nails until the glue sets, and then fill in the holes – it seems that these days a lot of people are using brad nail guns for this. Guns sell for between £17 and a few hundred pounds, are the low end models up to the job, or are a hammer and punch a better option?

Best Answer

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: A brad nailer (properly adjusted to your material using test strips) will give you clean nailing holes every time. Using a hammer and a punch relies on your skill and aim and consistency. One miss and you've marred your finish work.