/are the proper method and tools for drilling into masonry


Related to this question, The blinds project has gone pretty smooth up until this point. It seems that some walls have plaster or masonry behind them. Probably not a big deal, but I've snapped a couple of quality drill bits in the process.

Thus, I ask: What should I do to fasten the rest of these to the wall? I have seen some suggestions online about using molly anchors, but I'm not sure if that's the right approach, or even which molly anchor is appropriate.

Best Answer


Hammer Drill

The job will be much easier with a hammer drill, or a drill with a hammer option. Though it can be done using a regular drill, given enough time and patience.

enter image description here

Masonry Bit

You'll also want to put a masonry bit in that hammer drill. A carbide bit is the choice of champions.

enter image description here


Squeeze, Push, and Wait

  • Put the tip of the bit where you want the hole.
  • Squeeze the trigger on the drill motor.
  • Push against the back of the drill motor, or grab the other handle if the drill has an optional side grip.
  • Wait. Hold that position until you've created a hole the proper depth.

Pull Out

Similar to the Squeeze, Push, and Wait. Except that you pull the bit out of the hole from time to time, to clear any dust and debris from the hole.