Are there places that can duplicate a vanity mirror? or places to re silver an old mirror


my vanity mirror is really old and you can tell it needs to be resilvered. I read online that the price can be more expensive than just buying a new mirror, but I was wondering if there are places where I can take my mirror and they can just give me an exact new one? also places that resilver as well so I can see which option is best for me budget wise.

Best Answer

Assuming the actual mirror can be removed from the frame, getting a replacement custom-cut mirror shouldn't be too hard. Finding a place that can do re-silvering sounds more difficult and more expensive. It can technically be done yourself, but is probably more trouble than it's worth, and also requires removing the actual mirror from the frame.

Finding a place that sells custom-cut glass and mirrors would need to be done locally; this isn't an Internet type of thing.