Are those theads setting properly


I'm practicing some connections on water lines, but I'm a bit worried the parts I have are bad.

nipple fully threaded

Here I finger tight the parts and then was able to do just a half turn with the channel lock before felling like it was "right". I'm not sure if that was enough or if I hit the "neck" of the male threads.

Below I show how the tape got after that, in the left side I used 15 turns of tape and on the right side just 5 turns. Both were cut around the last thread, does that indicate that the seal was done? How much tape is enough?

taped nipple

Best Answer

Luiz, to me this looks like it is not sealing and the pipe Dope liquid really doesn’t do much better than PFTE tape. I have had better luck staying with plastic 100% or metal 100% until the final fitting used to connect the shutoff valve. The PFTE tape should be “chewed up” when you put on the fitting, if not the 2 different sizes are not sealing and may very well leak. I have seen this same thing when folks use electrical couplings for pipe (they are not tapered like normal pipe couplings) and they started leaking after the walls were closed.