Attach vinyl siding to a concrete foundation with Tapcons


I have a question about adding vinyl siding to my existing home. I live in a new home (< 1 year old) with a walkout basement. The house currently has siding on the first floor stopping at the foundation. This leaves about 500-600 square feet of the poured concrete foundation exposed. My wife and I are considering ways of improving the look of the foundation by adding siding to grade. We have received a quote from a contractor (who did the original siding) for what I feel is a very reasonable price.

I have a couple concerns about the siding addition. The concrete foundation is nearly flush with the first floor siding meaning that using furring strips would cause the new siding to stick out. The contractor proposed using Tapcons to attach the siding directly to the foundation which would allow the siding to line up with the first floor. This being the only alternative makes sense to me, however I am concerned about 300-400 holes being drilled into the side of my foundation. I am also concerned that it will be problematic if the siding ever needs replaced. I wanted to get some opinions about whether this was ok to do? Or whether this cosmetic improvement is not worth any potential problems it could create? I have been unable to find much advice on this subject as most discussions rightly assume furring strips are usable.

Best Answer

I don't see why not, but that is a lot of little holes in the foundation and also lots of work.

You would have to make sure the tapcons are not too tight as well so the vinyl doesn't buckle.

I would do as others have suggested and add some plants/landscaping.