Attaching plastic to glass


The people who repaired my wife’s car’s windshield didn’t do a good job, and the little plastic enclosure surrounding the mirror (containing a light and a sunglasses holder) has fallen off. I tried some superglue and it fell off again within a week, presumably because it gets so hot and humid in the car (Georgia summer, parked outside). What’s a simple and reliable glue to attach plastic to glass?

Best Answer

The Glue E6000 is quite strong also but requires a full 24hours to cure and must be untouched in the mean time. It should harden after about 30 mins but it's really best to give it 24hours. Also its a flexible glue so its less likely to give out from vibration. They also have a "industrial" variant called e6800. I have used it for a few years now and its great. glass is listed but i have no personal experience with that.

Brands like loctite make glue for holding Rear view mirrors to glass so that may be a option.

Hope this helps!