Attic knee wall custom ripped top plate – Will it work


Can I use a table saw to cut a 4×4 at an angle to replace the top plate in this knee wall to salvage the wall?

Background: I have an attic bedroom which lacked insulation. The rafters are only 2x4s so my sister convinced me we should install these 2×3 along the rafters to place the insulation between. Unfortunately, now I'm realizing that this make the rafters into thermal breaks and I'd much rather remove the 2x3s and layer foamboard directly over the 2×4 rafters to avoid this. Problem is, going back to the normal way to frame the kneewall would require all new lumber. I'd like to save the wood and work already done by just replacing the top plate. Is it possible to do that?

enter image description here

Best Answer

It might be easier to nail a 2x4 to the roof joists and then cut the tops of the vertical studs to fit the angle of the top plate. You could then easily nail the studs to the top plate.