Basement Bathroom Drywall Behind Toilet


I'm about to start finishing a basement half bathroom. I have a toilet that sits on an unfinished exterior wall. Should I have the wall drylocked, studs placed, board stock insulation installed, and green drywall put up in order to finish that wall? The toilet's water line causes me some concern about potential condensation that could form within the finished wall. Thanks, any input is much welcomed!

Best Answer

You can slow down condensation on cold water pipes by insulating them.

What? Insulate cold pipes???

Sure, why not. The insulation doesn't care. The insulation will act as a vapor barrier to keep humid air away from the pipe, and will greatly slow the warm-up of the pipe. Remember, in condensing conditions, what is warming the pipe is the enthalpy of vaporization as water vapor condenses. The water vapor gives up 2257 joules/gram or 970 BTU/lb. when it transitions from vapor to liquid, and this is what warms the pipe until it equalizes to ambient. The insulation greatly slows this process, reducing condensation greatly.