Basement – Do I need more than just Drylok to insulate concrete basement walls before framing out some walls


I have a large unfinished basement. Concrete blocks walls. French drain. All but the top 18 inches or so are underground.

It's got great potential to be finished (9 foot ceilings).

The basement has a sump pump, which kicks on any time it rains. The concrete clearly sweats in certain areas. In one corner, there is a hole in the concrete at the very bottom about a dime size which trickles water after it rains. The water trickles down the french drain and finds its way out through the sump pump. In my 3 years at the house I haven't seen the water rise over the french drain, even during the heaviest downpours, but I admit it's a little disconcerting to hear water trickling into the basement whenever it rains.

Last summer I put Drylok on every inch of the concrete wall. 2 coats on the bottom half.

I'm thinking about getting some metal studs, framing out some walls, and making a kids room, family room, and bar area.

My questions are:

  • Do I need to put foam or some other sort of vapor barrier on the (already Drylok'ed) concrete walls before the studs go up? Or is the Drylok enough?

  • Is it OK that water will be trickling in behind the wall in that one area? I realize its wise to put a battery backup on the sump pump, plus I have a backup generator, but is there something that needs to done before finishing the basement, or can I live with the water getting in just as long as the sump pump gets it out?

  • Is it OK to use metal studs to frame it out? Seems like the way to go given the moisture, but also it just seems easier to manage than cutting so much wood.

  • If you were me how would you proceed to get the basement ready for finishing?

Best Answer

They make both wall systems and flooring systems for wet basements. Sorry I am not posting links but don't feel like shopping today. A friend just put up wet basement panels (google that) and they look good and they are waterproof.

Whether this is the right solution for you depends on your house and how long you expect to be there. If your yard is graded poorly, your basement walls are in really bad shape, or there is some other intrinsic issue that will always cause moisture I would personally not do what Chris or bib suggested.

First it is a basement. How much are you willing to spend to make a place that naturally has water nice - there are "newer houses" and houses built in dry areas that don't have issues which are perfect to renovate - but that is not your house. I have seen many disappointed people spend thousands of dollars waterproofing basements to have their (newly finished) basement spring a leak the next year.

My suggestion is make the basement livable, safe, and enjoyable. Knowing that it could get flooded at some point. I would suggest putting in water-proof (rubber) planked flooring - HD sells this. Even if it is soaked it can be cleaned and reused. I would suggest some waterproof panels set about 4-6 inches from exterior walls. I would suggest no insulation other than rigid foam paneling. And if you do the foam paneling I would allow space for it to breathe. I would suggest neither drop ceiling or drywall for the ceiling - just paint it black or white (white you have to clean more).

If this extra space is really important to you - and you want it nice - I would suggest that you look at adding an addition to your house. After you do all of that waterproofing, foundation repairs, and finish your basement your $$$ is getting pretty close to adding on plus you don't have to worry about it being flooded.