Basement – Does Homeowner’s Insurance Typically Cover A Broken Well


My well is horizontally fed through a wall in my foundation. It recently rained a lot and I believe the pipe that feeds my well has been cracked. I had to cut the power to my well pump in order to stop water rushing out of a basement wall. I am estimating this will be an extremely expensive fix; so my question is this, does homeowner's insurance often cover this type of situation?

As a side note, in regards to the severity: my basement was completely flooded with water, but I've soaked most of it up and pushed the remainder down the sump.

Best Answer

The only person who will know for sure what your home owners policy covers will be your insurance agent. Best we could do is guess. I honestly have no idea.

As far as the expense of repair, it depends on how much of the labor you can do yourself. Excavators aren't exactly cheap to rent, but they aren't thousands of dollars either. Pipe itself is usually fairly cheap, unless it's large diameter copper.