Basement – How far does a basement egress window well need to stick out above ground


Is there code on this? I am having an egress window well installed today and was surprised to see the window well sticking out 2 feet above ground (1 foot if you count all the new dirt they mounded up around it). I was surprised because in all my research, most of the wells seem to be closer to flush with the ground (very few images I see on Google image search seem to have the well set so far above ground). It is far more of an eye sore than I was expecting for the $4,000 price tag associated with the work and the initial pictures I was shown before signing a contract.

The installers said it is required to have it set above ground so that people do not fall in and that most people cover the wells with shrubs, but I do not recall reading this in any applicable building code and it seems like planting shrubs to cover up a fire escape seems like a generally bad idea.

Can anyone confirm whether what I am being told is correct with an applicable code reference (if one exists)? If it is not required, I definitely want the well set an appropriate depth (or a shorter well placed) as I am unhappy with its appearance and would prefer to not have to do my own decorative brick work to cover it up.

Here is a picture of the egress window well:
enter image description here

Best Answer

Obviously there may be local restrictions, but on the 4 wells I had installed last year they highest one is about 3" above the surrounding ground level.

I agree - that looks rather awful. I'd definitely ask them to replace it with a better sized well. My guess would be that was the one they brought and they didn't want to deal with having to go get a shorter one from their warehouse.