Basement – How to drywall a corner with a lally column


I'm finishing my basement and I've come across this lally column which is supporting a steel beam. I want to frame an external corner for this interior wall at this "corner" but the distance from where the back of the drywall would be to the column (especially on the right side) is really small, like maybe 0.5"? Since I can't fit a 1×1" there, how do I frame this corner?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Here is my suggestion. It is only part of the post in the drawing, but it is the same all the way up, the scrap pieces of plywood are about 1 ft apart 3 or 4" wide, can be wider, can be solid, done that too. Makes for a really strong corner for corner bead. If you don't use 1/2" plywood and need to use 1/4" it will still be really strong. Using a full piece of plywood makes a straight corner really easy. It is what I do, I shown pieces so the method of construction is seen. I have also used 1X and had good results too, I use glue to help hold it....

post corner