Basement – How to install carpet tiles in a below grade room


A few years ago, I saw an advertisement for carpet tiles that had a jagged edge so there would be less movement in the interlock between tiles, and prevented the need for glue. (would like to find these or similar)

I have a below grade room that has ceramic tile over concrete floor. We want to carpet this area, and figured carpet tiles might be the best/easiest way to accomplish this. Additionally, the room is a pass through from the garage to the main level and is a high traffic area. We thought carpet tiles would be nice, as we could replace sections of it if need be.

That being said, we would like carpet tiles that don't have to be glued down. Any suggestions?

Also, should I put down a barrier (like you would with a floating floor)? Or put down a moisture block?

Additionally, do I need to make any considerations for the grout spacing in the tile (for the ceramic tile underneath)?


considering DriCore, but because of the chip board and lack of mold treatment, it has possible moisture issues.

Possible alternative:

and another alternative:

Best Answer

Assuming you want to do this right and don't mind a little elbow grease.

1) Clean it up

Remove the ceramic tile, and strip the floor down to the bare concrete. Technically you don't have to do this, but not doing it is, IMO, just lazy. Building up the floor is convenient but not the best work you can do.

2) Build the base

Now that you're down to bare concrete, install Dri-Core tiles or something similar for subflooring, making sure you add ventilation as per manufacturer instructions. This product protects itself from moisture (except in a flood of course) and will likewise protect the tile from small moisture accumulations.

enter image description here

enter image description here

3) Put down whatever floor you like.

There are a number of interlocking carpet tile products available that allow you to do a floating style installation.

The grout question is a non issue if you remove the ceramic, as you should.