Basement – How to insulate basement walls and floor after water mitigation


I've an unfinished 1k sq ft basement in Chicago with 10 inch cement foundation walls. I'll be creating a family room, bedrooms, bath, etc. I have water coming thru the floor–so Im adding drain tile inside around the perimeter at the footing which will go into a sump pit. The company installing the tile tyvek's all the interior cement walls to above outside grade (which goes 80% of the way up the wall). They do this in case the interior cement wall has leaks–then it will go into the drain tile system.

I will build out many rooms in the basement as noted with 2×4 wood studs. What would best practice say about insulating the walls and the cement slab floor (which I will lay snap together luxury vinyl planks on)?
thank you

Best Answer

I know it's popular, but putting a finish surface on a basement cement wall doesn't seem clever at all. A cement wall is a perfectly presentable wall surface, it is a basement, after all; you'll not fool anyone into forgetting they are in a basement.

The problem with covering it up with an "appealing" wall finish is now you cannot inspect the wall. I get where your idea is that you'll have a leak-catcher system, but if anything goes wrong with that, you'll have a mold nightmare lickety split. And a lot of expense on both sides: installing the wall in the first place, and tearing it out.

If you really want to insulate the wall, install a vapor barrier and insulate outside, digging if necessary. That will place the wall mass inside the insulation envelope so it will help regulate interior temperature; the mass becomes your friend instead of your enemy.