Basement – How to remove a musty smell from the basement


We're currently setting up a basement to be used as an apartment, and are trying to see how we could get rid of a musty smell that seems to exist in that area. While we're thinking it might be due to air flow (there's no direct airflow, but windows exist in all rooms), we're wondering if there's any options short of tearing out walls and what not.

To elbaroate on the "smell", it's the kind of smell that would exist in an area that is a bit damp, cool, and with little air movement. No mildew or other molds currently exist.

Best Answer

I think your first step is to clear out stored items and run a dehumidfier and fan in the area to drop the humidity. You didn't mention the type of walls, ceilings and floor coverings. Normally, if you smell a musty odor, you will have some mildew somewhere. Are there fabric or paper items stored there now? if the odor still exists after drying out the area, you should thoroughly wash the floors and walls, etc. with a mild bleach and water solution and dry it out again. Depending on the wall and ceiling coverings, a coat of mold resistant paint may be required. Concrete floors may need a waterproof treatment like Driloc.