Basement – Metal basement window frame casement rotted out


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We bought a house that was completely remodeled but the metal framing for the basement window was left even though they installed a new window. The rust is beyond repair. Does anyone have experience wrapping the frame with aluminum? What can be done ? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. This is such an eyesore .

Best Answer

I think I'd get some thin (1/4" or 3/8") vinyl plank and some white soffit nails and cover it as-is. Fill the outer section out flush with the inner stop using treated lumber and wrap it all. Caulk the joints blind as you assemble the parts.

Here's a plan view section of the right side:

___________________ ___
   vinyl window    |   |
___________________|   |
                *|_    |< -- old steel window frame
                *|x|   |
                *|x|   |
                  ^--------- filler block (x)
                ^ ---------- vinyl plank wrap (*)