Basement – Semi-finished basement, water-resistant “baseboards”


I'm planning on applying foam-panel insulation over my basement's concrete wall. I'm told a fire barrier is required over that, either plasterboard or decently-thick plywood.

I've been considering making the bottom few inches a separate piece, so it can easily be replaced if we get a Water Event. Simpler than having to cut it free and might reduce wicking upward.

My question is, is there something else I could consider using as this "baseboard" which would have the needed fire rating and be likely to pass inspection but be inherently waterproof? Obvious thought would be to build up a few inches of of brick or concrete inner wall… but I'm sure someone out there has a better answer.

Or should I just put in french drains and trust the sump pump?

Best Answer

I'd consider fiber cement trim board. Almost all of it is Class 1 (A) fire rated, it's easy to find at the big box stores in a variety of dimensions, and it will most likely pass for baseboard if it's thicker than the "plasterboard or decently-thick plywood".