Basement – use the built in vacuum system for ventilation


I have an old house which has been updated but it doesn't have great ventilation in the finished basement and often smells a bit musty and damp

There are no leaks and the drainage system has recently been updated

I have used a dehumidifier and that helped

I have considered getting a hunidex system
Or putting in an hvac but that would mean holes and ducts and dust

Then I renembered we have a built in vacuum which had openings on every floor and which we never use

How about taking the central vacuum out and just replacing it with a system to gently suck out air which I could then pump out through a pipe out if the house

Does that make sense ?
Does such a device exist ?

Thanks +++ for any advice

Best Answer

Taking air out of the house like that would mean getting more fresh air into the house. A little would be good. A lot could result in drafts in strange places as the air would come in from wherever it can. The effect would likely be uneven as some areas, perhaps with leaky doors/windows, would get a lot of fresh air and others would get almost none.

In addition, the air coming in would be as hot/cold and humid as the outside. That would help feel less musty but not necessarily less damp or feel "good".

A quick search finds that central vacuum typically uses 2" ductwork where HVAC typically 6" or larger. That being said, perhaps an inventive HVAC tech. could come up with a solution to use the central vacuum ductwork for an HVAC system. Or possibly a mixture - use traditional HVAC ductwork for the easiest runs (and/or the rooms that need it the most, like the kitchen) and use the central vacuum ductwork for the rest.