Basement – Was this basement window installed properly


Here's a few photos of a window that I installed last year. I used the mixed knowledge of a few different online articles and did it to my best ability, but I'm kinda worried that it may have been done wrong. If so, and I was wrong in a significant way, I'll probably have to fix it. Any words of wisdom are welcome.

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Best Answer

The only thing at all possibly risky that I see in that AWESOME looking installation is the exterior shot of the window mounting.

The top edge of the window flange (I think is the word) points up, creating a potential point for water entry behind the window.

This is mitigated some by the near proximity of the siding above, but driving rain could still get in there.

I would therefore recommend you put a waterproof material around and over the edges of the window, and extending up to underneath the siding, to ensure that water that does hit that wall cannot get behind the window.

Beside that, dude, that looks great!