Basement – What’s the best way to cover the egress window (not soft plastic) where the window is above the window well


What's the best way to cover an egress window where the cement for the window sticks 11" above the metal window well cover (the window itself is above 10" above the metal window well)? I'm looking for something that will be supportive of people standing or crawling onto the cover itself.

I've seen covers like this:

window well cover

…but I'm not really sure the best way to do that for windows like mine:
my window measurement 1

my window measurement 2

Best Answer

I would recommend against the flimsy dome covers bib recommends in his answer/comment based on safety concerns with children. However, he is on the right track with a domed window well cover, you just need to search for one designed specifically for an egress window that supports weight, covers the full well, and allows egress. Here is an example (note this not an endorsement of the linked product).