Basement – What’s the best way to keep humidity down in crawl space


I have a nominally dry crawl space that is around 22' square and about 4' tall with a concrete floor. It has no indication of leaks and is dry, but too moist during the hot Maryland summers to keep anything that is not durable in there. It has the air vents from the HVAC for the room above running through it. What is the best way (if possible) to keep the humidity low enough in summer to keep tools/card board boxes/ anything less durable in there during the humid Maryland summers? My initial thought was to add a vent or two down there and keep them closed in the winter and opened slightly in the summer. Any thoughts/insight would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

An alternate method avoiding high electricity bills and the necessary water drain for the dehumidifier: Installing a fan of an old PC at the Luv side, connected to a small power supply from an old phone or similar and a timer. If the fan runs only in the night, it pushes in statistically colder and dryer air. In 1 or 2 weeks the space will be much dryer.