Basement – Why does the basement smell like the drop-ceiling tiles


So I recently refinished my basement. In the process, I replaced the entire drop ceiling with new tiles. I finished that a couple of months ago.

I recall the distinct smell of the dust that these tiles create when handled or when I would drill holes in them. I am now occasionally smelling that same dust in my basement. Some days its there, others its not.

Nothing is disturbing the tiles (no, there are animals in the ceiling) and I haven't been moving them around for any reason. They are just sitting there.

What could cause the tiles to emit dust and create that smell? How do I get rid of it?

Best Answer

Just as new homes and new cars smell new for years, your basement will smell new until enough activity and ventilation have occurred. I lined part of my basement workshop with OSB two years ago and I still smell it when I walk down there.

I suggest time and air. Worst-case scenario you replace the tiles, but I doubt it'll come to that.