Basement – Would an opening to the outside help me dry out a basement


I had a hot tub problem which resulted in huge amounts of water gushing out into the yard. This happened a couple of times. (Hot tub repair company from hell.) The hot tub is situated a few feet from the house. The ground is still saturated like a dripping sponge. As a result the walls and floor or the unfinished cellar, which does have a functioning sump pump, has not dried out yet, several months later. I have tried running a dehumidifier, a fan and a space heater in the cellar, but that hasn't helped a whole lot. I suspect it's because there is no window I can open down there. Would it help to create a small temporary opening to the outside? Which I would close up once I've accomplished the mission.

Best Answer

The floor and walls will not dry out until the ground outside absorbs the water. I would avoid making an opening in a perfectly good wall. Once the outside ground water is gone, you should start to see some improvement. Is it possible to dig a hole where the water is bad and pump the water to a different spot far away from you house?? Just a thought.