Bending brass sheets


I would like to bend a long edge (about 500mm) of a brass sheet (either 0.5mm or 1mm) into a U-shape.

I understand that brass is best bent warm. Is this achievable at home (without large machines)? Is it possible to bend it in sections

  1. _______ before bending
  2. _—_—_—_ bending parts
  3. ——————— after bending

The instructions here

enter image description here

don't mention heating and don't easily adapt to larger edges (500mm), as the strength required is probably too large.

(I am using the sheet as a drawer and would prefer the bent edge over an edge protector, which would stop things from sliding out easily.)

Best Answer

Find a local metalshop, ask them to bend it for you. Should be cheap. Or you could spend a hundred bucks or so on a cheap bending brake. Or you can continue to wrestle with it.