Best method to cool a garage


Trying to figure out the best way to cool an attached garage. The garage door is insulated and has weather stripping on the outside. There are no windows and the exterior is brick. We live in a humid climate, south Texas, humidity 80% in the morning and 60% at night. Newer construction, 2015.

Researched mini-splits but it's just too expensive, approx $4-5K.

Looking at portable units. Reading a lot of conflicting info on one or two hose systems and the best way to vent. There aren't many options when it comes to venting, there are no windows and the wife doesn't want holes cut through the brick. Can I vent either a one hose or two hose portable system into the attic? The attic is passively cooled.


Best Answer

I had a grey tin shed that was getting very hot in the summer. The cheapest and quickest fix was to paint the sides and roof side that faced the sunlight, with some random white paint I had laying about. It wasn't a quality job, but in my case it was around the back and not visible.

Decreasing the insolation is a good start, is silent, and needs no ongoing costs like power.

Then you can start exploring more costly solutions like active cooling.