Best solution to protect the floor while painting the walls


For painting work I usually protect the floor using big sheets (like 4 x 4 meters) of transparent plastic sold in Asda that I spread around the room.

However it can move a lot while I walk on it and then there are spaces left exposed. Also it's not very flat.

Ideally I'd like something which covers 100% of the floor 100% of the time while being as flat as possible. Is there such a solution?

Best Answer

Drop Cloths

The most common solution, is to use canvas drop cloths. This has been the choice of the pros for many, many years.

Canvas Drop Cloth

Heavy Paper

36 mil paper is a common choice when working over hard flooring. It provides good spill protection, while also providing a bit of added drop protection.

Ram Board

Masonite Sheets

In higher end homes, where flooring can be quite expensive (and may be installed before construction is completed). 1/8" - 1/4" Masonite sheets can be laid over a medium weight or Rosin paper, to provide good spill and drop protection.

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