Best way to fix gate post over foundation that extends


1930s brick house.

Foundation at ground level extends 8 inches out.

Want to put a 3.5 x 3.5 post right next to the wall and have these ideas(post will have gate latch):

  1. Build a form next to wall that extends over edge of foundation. Think upside L. Cons: lots of concrete. Pros: ?

  2. Affix anchor on foundation, affix post to anchor. Cons: weak? Rust? Pros: probably best looking

  3. Affix post directly to wall. Cons: weaken wall? Pros: ?

  4. ?

I'm thinking this community will go with 2, but I'd like to hear your thoughts on whatever you think would be the best way.

Best Answer

It's very common where I come from (New Zealand) to Dynabolt the gate or fence post directly to a brick, block or rendered wall.

I have about 4 of them in various places around my 1960's render over concrete block house

As long as the size of the Dynabolt is appropriate there should be no significant weakening of the brick(s) you drill into. There are variations of these Dynabolts that are chem-set into the wall/brick/block with Epoxy, one of these would in theory further reduce any negliable impact in the integrity of the brick.